Thank your harbormaster
Thursday, September 26th 2019

Keeping track of moorings , docks, and all the activity that happens in harbors along the Maine coast and elsewhere, can be a thankless job. That’s why the folks at Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors’ online partner USHarbors came up with National Harbormaster Appreciation Day.
The first ever annual celebration of the event will be October 8, 2019.
“We realized, after talking regularly with harbormasters and with people who use harbors, that many people don’t fully understand the key role their harbormasters play in managing one of the most important resources in their community,” said USHarbors President Anastasia Fischer. “We thought it important to change this and being committed to the well-being of our harbors and those that use them, we registered National Harbormaster Appreciation Day as an annual event to bring awareness to the dedicated stewards of our harbors.”
USHarbors has been compiling a database of harbormasters across the country and plans to send all of them a thank-you letter and gift the week of October 8.
Here’s where you come in: USHarbors has set up a dedicated web site Fischer and her colleagues want people to submit stories, photos or videos about the harbormaster in their harbor. “So we can help get them the recognition they deserve.” Here’s the link:
In addition, Fischer says she hope folks will mention harbormasters in their social media postings, as well as personally thank their local harbormaster for all his or her hard work.
USHarbors also will be showcasing harbormasters around the country on their social media feeds. “We’ll have some virtual events with harbormasters that should be fun,” Fischer says. She also urges readers to check out the website to learn more about the work these harbor guardians do.