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Art and Culture

Books for these long winter nights

New reads on boats, art, and nature.

Anneli Skaar’s Island Whale and Other Remarkable Works

The Norwegian-American artist Anneli Skaar explores the world in her art and stories.

Björn Runquist

The Swedish-born painter and Saint George resident Björn Runquist finds the miraculous in the ordinary.

Meet the Makers

Maine’s makers work year-round to meet the demands of online and retail outlets, and, of course, shows like the Common Ground Country Fair in Unity.

Paul Black

With a deft touch, the Portland-based Impressionist painter Paul Black brought light and life to Maine motifs.

North Haven’s Swordfish

A North Haven swordfish sculpture leaps out of the past to engage with the island community.

Down to the Sea with Chris Van D.

Children’s book illustrator and Camden resident Chris Van Dusen delights readers with his rhymes and colorful drawings

Mary King Longfellow paints Monhegan

The niece of famed American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was an early if not the first female artist to paint this island off the Maine coast

Stonington’s “Bookmark Lady” Was a Relentless Artist

Evelyn Kok, who never sought fame, entertained windjammer passengers and other visitors to her seaside gallery with her wide range of drawings, paintings, and music

Krisanne Baker and the Sea

An artist and a snorkeler, Baker is also a snorkeling artist.

David Etnier’s Sense of Place and People

As photographer and legislator, David Etnier helped preserve Maine’s working waterfront.

Daniel Low: Eastport’s Ingenious Architect

During Maine’s first decade of statehood, many towns had their own architect-builders who combined building practices with a knowledge of published builders’ guides.

Jeffery Becton’s Invented Worlds

This Deer Isle photographer uses digital means to explore “the edges of realism.”

Good Reads 185

Books about nature, pirates, rowing, and lobstering women

Fighter Pilot, Professor, Painter

The Port Clyde painter Robert Hamilton taught art for many years, while painting his own fantastic, mysterious canvases