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Harbor Features

The Art of Safeguarding the Shoreline

A landscape architect teams up with seasoned rock sculptors to build a Washington County seawall designed to weather future coastal storms.

Camden Buoy Data to Drive Waterfront Decisions

Buoys collect localized wave and wind data for Camden Harbor in the hopes that town officials can make informed waterfront resiliency decisions.

North Haven’s Swordfish

A North Haven swordfish sculpture leaps out of the past to engage with the island community.

What a SHOW they put on!

It takes dedicated teams from host communities to pull together three weeks of world-class racing on the Maine coast

Ode to a Dorywoman and Her Boat

A tale of life on a Maine Island is told through a shared love of workboats

Island Hopping in the TUB

A well-used 38-foot cabin cruiser introduced the youngsters at Robin Hood Camp in Brooksville to the cruising life amidst the islands of downeast Maine

Blue Hill’s Red Boathouse

A century-old Blue Hill boathouse has been home to an array of fine sailing and power yachts, and remains in use today as a haven for small craft.

Fishing for Maine

Spawned by necessity during the pandemic days, Fishermen Feeding Mainers has evolved into a statewide nutrition program that continues to feed hungry mouths and support local waterfronts.

Iconic Shacks at Fisherman’s Point Could be Replaced

In the wake of January’s devastating coastal storms, funds have been donated to rebuild the fishing shacks that stood on Fisherman’s Point in South Portland.

For Coastal Maine a Time to Clean Up, Recalculate, and Rebuild

Special Report: January 2024 ocean storms

The Shark That Ate Our Summer

The uninvited guest

The Joy of Family Picnics and Bacon Dogs

Summer in Maine means picnics and family memories

Protecting the Ocean One Dirty Job at a Time

The Friends of Casco Bay runs a boat that collects sewage from thousands of boats across the busy and expansive bay

The Little Tanker That Can

One 58-foot vessel and her intrepid captain keep island fuel tanks full.

Mid-century Views of Vinalhaven

Photographer Eliot Elisofon is known for images shot in exotic locales, but his favorite subject was Vinalhaven.