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What Makes the Wind Blow?

What are the sources of Maine’s winds? Where do they come from and how do they vary during the year?

The Pearson Ensign

The Pearson Ensign is a versatile racer/family daysailer that has stood the test of time.

Way Back When—Issue 153

Stonington, circa 1915.

Peaks Island

Peaks Island once was home to an amusement park. The Ferris wheel is gone, but the island remains a popular destination.

The Uncertain Future of Right Whales

After a brief period of growth, the population of North Atlantic right whales is dropping, and scientists are worried.

Sir Ferdinando Gorges and His Impossible Dream of Maine

Attempts by Sir Ferdinando Gorges to colonize Maine in the early 1600s met with failure, and all that remains with his name is a fort.

Way Back When — Issue 152

The luxurious Rangeley Lake Hotel

Wayne: What a Find

Perched on an isthmus between two lakes, Wayne makes an appealing day-trip destination.

Beneficial Bugs

When planting your garden, think about ways to encourage beneficial bugs.

The Heart of the Sea

As dams are removed, reconnecting Maine lakes and the salty sea, alewife populations are rebounding. And that’s a good thing, biologists say.

4 Guys, 2 Canoes, and 1 Perilous Maine River Adventure!

An early spring canoe trip turns into disaster and teaches valuable lessons.

Shell Games

Rowing in shells has seen a surge in popularity in Maine as more and more teens take up the sport.

A Maine Sporting Tradition

In a sport viewed by many as dominated by men, women play a key role in Maine’s fly tying history.

The Grand Laker Canoe

Designed and built in the small town from which they take their name, Grand Laker canoes are the preferred craft of guides in the downeast lakes region.

Moose Landing Marina

Moose Landing Marina on Brandy Pond has grown into a major boating hub in the central lakes region.