Rocky, out for an evening row. Photo by Benjamin Mendlowitz.
It’s a beautiful evening on the coast of Maine, and what better time than this to make nice in a rowboat? That’s Hannah Mendlowitz at the oars and Rocky, a mixed breed—in other words, a veritable treasury of dog types—gazing blissfully up at her with liquid eyes while the sun descends behind the low hills.
“Rocky may not be an official Boatyard Dog,” said professional photographer Benjamin Mendlowitz, who took this picture, “but he is a yard dog and somewhat of a boat dog. He prefers flat calm rows or motorboat rides; not much for sailing when the wind’s up.
“He hates getting wet. The one time he missed the leap from boat to float, he disappeared. Just as panic was setting in I found him—he was under the float, high but not so dry on top of a cross-beam. Rocky’s favorite maritime activity is a visit to a schooner at dinnertime while out for an evening shoot with me.”
P.S. Our World Champion Boatyard Dog®, Truman, has been adopted! See the Letters section for details.
We’d like to see your Boatyard Dog (okay, or cat) too. Send a clear photo and pertinent details to: BYD, P.O. Box 758, Camden, ME 04843 or contact us via email: