Chef and restaurateur Sam Hayward pays close attention to the source of his ingredients, teaching the rest of us to think about where our food comes from, and leading a food movement in Maine.
A new wave of young craftspeople and farmers are setting down roots, starting up businesses, and promoting sustainability on Blue Hill Peninsula and in other Maine communities.
With blooms on stalks that can grow up to six feet tall, mullein can be an attractive plant for a cultivated garden. It also has a number of medicinal uses. For example, its broad, fuzzy leaves can be dried and used in teas to relieve congestion.
Maine, with its vast fields of subterranean rubble left by retreating glaciers, has some of the most wonderful rock gardens to be found anywhere, and some of the most creative gardeners. Rock gardeners utilize every crack, fissure, crevice, and pothole to their advantage.
The pink lady slipper is one of the delights of spring in Maine. Researchers at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens have been studying the mysterious orchid.
Non-native plants such as burning bush may look pretty but they can cause problems by pushing out native stock. We take a look at a few invasives in Maine.